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Flange Sizing Guide
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Changes in your hormones can change the taste of your breastmilk
The return of your period 🩸 after delivering a baby 👶 means big changes are happening in your body. One of these changes can be the...

A Letter to my Postpartum Body
Dear body, I want to start off by saying I’m sorry. I’m sorry for the times I’ve spoken ill of you and degraded you. For the names I’ve...

Small drops of clear/yellow fluid leaking from your breast
It’s never too late to start collecting colostrum! 💛 Collecting colostrum during pregnancy 🤰 has benefits for all mamas and their...

My breastmilk changed its color
This is so fascinating 😍 Your breastmilk 🍼 can change into different colors and it's totally fine 👌 So why can breastmilk be a...

Witch's Milk
Lots of lactating women have nipple discharge from time to time 💧 Did you know: It’s not unusual for babies (boys 👦& girls 👧) to have...

Who knew that there was more than 1️⃣ "hole" in your nipple 😮
As a matter of fact, research shows that women can have between 4️⃣ to 2️⃣0️⃣ nipple pores! The exact number of nipple pores varies ......

They say being a mom is a full-time job, right? Wrong … ❌
Moms work an average of 98 hours per week. That is actually the equivalent of two and half full-time jobs 💼, according to a 2018 study...

Lifting your baby's legs when changing their diaper can be harmful?
It can cause gas, spine and hip problems. Therefore the best thing to do is to roll your baby 👶🏼 from side to side to help support...

Ughhhhh, twisted baby car seat straps!
Twisted straps can be extremely frustrating, uncomfortable, and potentially dangerous. Wait ... What ... Dangerous? Yes, dangerous. A...
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