The return of your period 🩸 after delivering a baby 👶 means big changes are happening in your body.
One of these changes can be the taste of your breastmilk 🤱
It is possible that hormones can change the taste of your breastmilk. Moms may notice that their babies may be fussier and won’t nurse effectively.
The fussiness can last a few days 📆
Here’s what you can do 👇
✅ Try to hand-express every feed
✅ Is baby latching on and drinking but still fussy, try to still hand-express milk
✅ Try hand-expressing milk in a bottle or cup (when refusing the breast)
✅ When baby is fussy at only certain feeds, try to hand-express during these feedings
✅ If you have frozen breastmilk in the freezer and baby is fussy at the breast, try to give baby that milk
Most mamas have noticed that their babies 👶 settle down at the next period 🩸 and feedings become more easier.
Have you ever noticed that baby is fussier when you nurse during your period? 🤱🍼