It’s never too late to start collecting colostrum! 💛
Collecting colostrum during pregnancy 🤰 has benefits for all mamas and their babies. It’s especially important for your baby 👶 if they are likely to have difficulties with nursing 🤱 or maintaining their blood 🩸 sugar levels during the first days after birth.
It can also be beneficial for baby if you:
✅ Experience pre-eclampsia during pregnancy
✅ Are taking beta blockers for a high blood pressure
✅ Are diabetic or got diabetes during pregnancy
✅ Have polycystic ovary syndrome
✅ Had a breast surgery
✅ Have a raised BMI
✅ Plan to give birth by a C-section
The amount of colostrum you collect can vary from just a few drops 💧 to a full teaspoon (or sometimes more) 💦
Every drop of your liquid gold counts, so don’t get discouraged if you feel it’s not much! It doesn’t mean you won’t have enough milk when your baby is born … and it doesn’t mean that your baby will have difficulties to breastfeed ❤️